As support systems for their children, parents naturally want what’s best for them, specifically with their performance in school. It is normal for parents to desire the best grades, making exams stressful for both parties. Because of this, parents usually think poor scores are equivalent to poor performance and less dedication. However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are a lot of factors that contribute to a failed exam.
What causes children to fail their exams?
Studying can only get a student so far, as it does not automatically guarantee a high score. However, as much as a child prepares for their exams, there are unfortunately other factors that affect their performance negatively. These contribute to the disconnect between studying and the grade a student receives. Said factors include the following:
- Test anxiety – can be debilitating physical ills such as vomiting, migraines, accelerated heart rate, and fainting
- Self-esteem – many students’ grades are normally associated with their own self worth
- Wrong study strategies – lack of knowledge of and application of good study habits
- Lack of interest – simply no desire/passion for the subject matter
In addition, it can also be a struggle for children to focus on subjects that are too difficult for them to understand. For example, O Level Chemistry consists of principles and challenging examination questions which may turn away some students, affecting their study habits which eventually leads to bad exam scores.
Why is parental support important in learning O Level Chemistry?
Before we understand why parental support is important in learning, we must first establish what exactly parental support is. Parental support is the commitment and active participation of a parent/carer towards their children. Active participation is found not only in studies but activities as well. It is a parent’s effort to support and extend a child’s learning at home and school. These include a variety of activities from reading, helping with their homework, attending school activities and meetings, or volunteering.
With that, why is parental support important? It is important because this extends learning beyond the classroom. Supporting your children helps develop a stronger understanding of the curriculum, better preparing them for their exams. This is essential since learning is a continuous process throughout the day, even outside of school. Because of this, it’s important that parents have a good understanding of what their child is learning to know how to assist them accordingly.
Additionally, parental support is also important as it helps children develop a positive approach toward education and learning. Because these children become so eager to learn, it improves their self-discipline and performance both in and outside school. Learning will be consistent when there is a positive partnership.
Lastly, there are also social benefits to parental support. Children feel more comfortable around others and have enhanced team building and communication skills.
How to deal with your child’s O Level Chemistry exam failure in Singapore?
Now that we understand the importance of parental support, how do we apply this when your child fails their exam? There are various ways to deal with this scenario.
1. Make sure they know it’s not their fault
Putting blame on your child will only diminish their confidence and drive. It’s understandable to be upset but it is better to help them understand that they are not at fault and you are there to help them.
2. Communication is key
Communicate with educators to understand which areas your children are doing well in, where/what fields they need help with, and how you can help them improve.
3. Don’t compare them to others
Each child is different and it’s important to understand what methods work for whom. Stay patient and supportive.
4. Discuss their problems with them
Your child may have an insight into why they are struggling, so you can discuss and address the problems together.
5. Help your child develop better study habits
A change in routine or a certain technique may produce better results. It’s also important to remember the balance between schoolwork and leisure time.
6. Home-based learning
Partake in activities at home to extend learning. You can do educational activities, play educational games or apps, and even watch educational videos or shows together.
7. Ask questions
Regularly ask open-ended questions to help broaden their vocabulary, such as how their day was or what they learned today.
8. Hire a professional
Focus Chemistry offers tuition and mentoring services on different subject matters revolving around chemistry, specifically O Level Chemistry. With our specially designed IGCSE and O Level Chemistry Tuition, your children can enjoy stress-free learning and excellent exam results.
Enhance your child’s chemistry experience with comprehensive coverage for all chapters within the O-Level and IGCSE CHEMISTRY syllabus. Along with this, we also offer small and intimate group settings, effective individualised attention, and a focus on conceptual understanding and application rather than rote learning.
Enhance your child’s learning with Focus Chemistry
Parental support is key to your children’s success. It not only helps develop a positive attitude towards learning but helps the child further their progress and broaden their knowledge. Additionally, with a good support system like Focus Chemistry by your side, we can help you and your child achieve great heights. Contact us today via or call us at +65 9616 1651 to start your journey!